12 Java YouTube Channels You Should Follow In 2018
Take your skills to the next level!
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It’s almost the end of 2017. If you’re like me, you might be thinking about what you want to change or improve in 2018.
Maybe, you want to learn more about Java and improve your development skills.
That has been one of my goals for the last several years. It has become a habit to read about the latest software development trends and new features in Java and Java EE.
During 2017, I watched more and more tutorial videos and recorded conference sessions on YouTube. And I can’t recommend that highly enough. It’s a comfortable way to learn from the best in our industry.
Here is a list of YouTube channels, in no particular order, that upload new, high-quality videos on a regular basis.
1. Java
When you’re interested in Java, you can’t miss Oracle’s YouTube channel. It brings you lots of talks from JavaOne about the latest features in Java SE 9 and Java EE 8, sessions from the JVM Language Summit about programming languages and VMs, and interviews with leaders in the Java community.
2. Adam Bien
Adam shows in quick tutorials how easy, efficient and light-weight Java EE development can be.
And he also publishes a popular, monthly Q&A show in which he answers the questions of his viewers and readers.
3. Thoughts on Java
If you’re using JPA or Hibernate, you shouldn’t miss the Thoughts on Java YouTube channel. Each week, I publish 2 new videos showing you how to implement your persistence layer with ease.
4. Devoxx
The official Devoxx channel uploads sessions from the most recent Devoxx and Voxxed Days conferences. Watching these videos is not as good as attending the conferences in person but requires a lot less traveling.
5. vJUG
This is probably the most comfortable way to attend user group meetings on a regular basis. The virtual Java User Group live-streams webinars and hosts a 24-hour conference with some of the best Java experts.
They also host a book club in which they read a book as a group and talk about it with the author.
6. Sebastian Daschner
Sebastian publishes great tutorial videos about Java EE development and developer productivity.
7. InfoQ
The InfoQ channel hosts lots of interesting talks from QCon conferences about various architectural and software development topics.
8. NightHacking
If you’re interested in interviews and panel discussions about various Java-related topics, you shouldn’t miss the NightHacking channel.
9. GOTO Conferences
GOTO Conferences is another popular conference series which records and shares their talks on YouTube.
10. JetBrainsTV
JetBrains’ YouTube channel provides you with a mix of interesting sessions from KotlinConf, webinars about various software development topics, and tutorials about their IDE tools.
11. Spring Developer
If you’re working with Spring, you probably already know the Spring Developer channel. The team at Pivotal publishes lots of recorded conferences sessions, webinars, and tutorials about Spring.
12. SouJava
The Brazilian SouJava organization hosts a mix of interviews and webinars about Java and Java EE. Unfortunately for everyone who doesn’t understand Portuguese (like myself), not all of their videos are in English.
I checked out & subscribed to the first one “Java” and it was better than I expected. I was anticipating a lot of slideshows with monotone voices in these YouTube channels.