11 JPA and Hibernate query hints every developer should know
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11 JPA and Hibernate query hints every developer should know

JPA and Hibernate support a set of hints that you can use to provide additional information to your persistence provider to influence the execution of a query. You can use them for lots of different things, like setting a timeout for your query, using an entity graph, or defining the caching of a query result….

Hibernate Performance Tuning – 2024 Edition
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Hibernate Performance Tuning – 2024 Edition

Based on most discussions online and at conferences, there seem to be 2 kinds of projects that use Hibernate for their persistence layer: So, what’s the difference between these projects? Are the projects in the 2nd group more complex or have higher performance requirements? No, based on my consulting projects, that’s not the case. On…

Ultimate Guide: Custom Queries with Spring Data JPA’s @Query Annotation

Ultimate Guide: Custom Queries with Spring Data JPA’s @Query Annotation

Derived queries are very comfortable to use as long as the queries are not too complicated. But as soon as you use more than 2-3 query parameters or need to define multiple joins to other entities, you need a more flexible approach. In these situations, you better use Spring Data JPA’s @Query annotation to specify…