
Hibernate Tips: How to map the latest element of an association

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I want to map the latest element of a to-many association as an entity attribute. How can I map that with Hibernate?


Mapping the latest element of an association to an entity attribute is a little bit tricky and creates an overhead which you should avoid in most situations. If you don’t use that specific element in most of your use cases, you should prefer a JPQL query to get the latest associated element from the database.

Let’s take a look at both options. I will show them based on the following, simple model which you probably know from a typical online store. It consists of a Book entity, a Review entity and a one-to-many association between them.

Entity Mappings

The mappings of both entities are relatively simple. The Review entity maps the primary key column id, the comment as a simple String, the date and time when the review was published as a LocalDateTime, and it also defines a many-to-one association to the Book entity. The @CreationTimestamp annotation, which I use with the postedAt attribute, is Hibernate-specific. It tells Hibernate to set the value of this attribute to the current timestamp when it persists a new Review entity. So, you don’t need to set the creation timestamp yourself.

public class Review {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private Long id;

	private String comment;

	private LocalDateTime postedAt;
	@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
	@JoinColumn(name = "book_id")
	private Book book;

The mapping of the Book entity is even simpler. It maps the id attribute as the primary key, the title as a simple String and the other end of the association to the Review entity.

public class Book {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private Long id;

	private String title;

	@OneToMany(mappedBy = "book")
	private List<Review> reviews = new ArrayList<Review>();

OK, so let’s take a look at a JPQL query, which returns the latest Review of a given Book.

Getting the Latest Element as a JPQL Query

This query is relatively simple and should be the preferred approach if only a few of your use cases use that Review. You can either use a function to select the entity with the highest postedAt timestamp, or you simply order the associated reviews by their postedAt date and limit the result list to the first element. I chose the latter approach in this example.

TypedQuery<Review> q = em.createQuery("SELECT r FROM Review r WHERE r.book.id = :bid ORDER BY postedAt DESC", Review.class);
q.setParameter("bid", 1L);
Review r = q.getSingleResult();

Mapping the latest element to an attribute

The mapping to an attribute is more complicated and will affect how Hibernate loads all Book entities. You should only use it if all of your uses cases require the latest Review. Otherwise, you should select it with a JPQL query.

You probably expected to model this as a one-to-one association with additional join criteria. That’s what I intended to do, but unfortunately, there is a bug in Hibernate 5.2 which prevents you from using a @JoinFormula annotation with a one-to-one association. You need to model it as a many-to-one association, instead.

The @JoinFormula annotation is Hibernate-specific and enables you to provide a native SQL snippet as the JOIN criteria of an association. Hibernate includes this snippet into the generated query and compares its return value with the primary key of the associated entity.

So, in this example, my SQL snippet needs to return the id of a Review. As you can see in the following code snippet, I’m using the same idea as in the previous example. I select the id of all review records which book_id is equal to the id of the selected Book, order the records by their postedAt value and limit the result set to the first record.

public class Book {

	@JoinFormula("(SELECT r.id FROM review r WHERE r.book_id = id ORDER BY r.postedAt DESC LIMIT 1)")
	private Review latestReview;


When I now select a Book entity from the database, Hibernate includes the SQL snippet defined in the @JoinFormula annotation and maps the latest, associated Review entity to the latestReview attribute.

Here you can see the generated SQL statement. Unfortunately, Hibernate includes the SQL snippet in the SELECT and the FROM clause of the query. Depending on the SQL snippet and the optimization performed by your database, this might slow down your application significantly.

10:50:54,400 DEBUG [org.hibernate.SQL] - 
        book0_.id as id1_0_0_,
        book0_.title as title2_0_0_,
        book0_.version as version3_0_0_,
            review r 
            r.book_id = book0_.id 
        ORDER BY
            r.postedAt DESC LIMIT 1) as formula1_0_,
        review1_.id as id1_1_1_,
        review1_.book_id as book_id4_1_1_,
        review1_.comment as comment2_1_1_,
        review1_.postedAt as postedAt3_1_1_ 
        Book book0_ 
    left outer join
        Review review1_ 
            on (
                review r 
                r.book_id = book0_.id 
            ORDER BY
                r.postedAt DESC LIMIT 1

Learn more:

If you enjoyed this post, you might also be interested in the following posts about association mappings:

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