Hibernate Tips: How to escape table and column names
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Hibernate Tips is a series of posts in which I describe a quick and easy solution for common Hibernate questions. If you have a question for a future Hibernate Tip, please leave a comment below.
One of my entities represents an order which a customer placed in my online store. I would like to call that entity Order, but Hibernate generates SQL statements containing syntax errors and throws SQLGrammarExceptions. How can I escape the table name to avoid the syntax errors?
By default, Hibernate maps an entity to a database table with the same name. So, in this case, Hibernate tries to map the Order entity to the Order table. But Order is a reserved word in SQL and can’t be used as a database identifier. You either need to choose a different table name or use a delimited identifier.
The definition of a delimited identifier is pretty simple. It’s defined in section 2.13 of the JPA specification. You just need to set the table name with a @Table annotation and enclose it in double quotes.
@Entity @Table(name = "\"Order\"") public class Order { ... }
You can not only use this approach with the @Table annotation. It’s also supported by all other JPA annotations that allow you to define a database identifier. These are:
- @EntityResult
- @FieldResult
- @ColumnResult
- @CollectionTable
- @Column
- @DiscriminatorColumn
- @ForeignKey
- @Index
- @JoinColumn
- @JoinTable
- @MapKeyColumn
- @MapKeyJoinColumn
- @NamedStoredProcedureQuery
- @OrderColumn
- @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
- @SecondaryTable
- @SequenceGenerator
- @StoredProcedureParameter
- @Table
- @TableGenerator
- @UniqueConstraint
When you specify the table name like this, Hibernate and all other JPA implementations will use the defined delimited identifier in all generated SQL statements.
17:13:21,070 DEBUG [org.hibernate.SQL] - insert into "Order" (orderNumber, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)
Learn more:
If you like to learn more about JPA’s @Table annotation, you should take a look at this Hibernate Tip: How to define schema and table names.
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