How to call stored procedures in JPA – Part 2
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How to call stored procedures in JPA – Part 2

Up to Version 2.1, JPA was missing real support for stored procedures. The only available option was to use a native query. This changed with JPA 2.1, when @NamedStoredProcedureQuery and StoredProcedureQuery were introduced as two of the new features. I wrote about @NamedStoredProcedureQuery and how to use it to define stored procedure calls in the…

How to activate Hibernate Statistics to analyze performance issues

How to activate Hibernate Statistics to analyze performance issues

Did you ever ask yourself why a server request took ages on the production system while your local test system was just fine?Well, we all had these situations, and we will have several more of them in the future. In my experience, strange performance drops are often related to slow database queries. But which query…

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Testing with Aliens: How to test a JPA Attribute Converter with Arquillian

This post was written together with Aslak Knutsen (@aslakknutsen). JPA Attribute Converters provide an easy way to define how an entity attribute gets persisted to the database. You can use them to implement lots of different features, e.g. to encrypt your data as I showed in a previous post: How to use a JPA Attribute Converter…

Wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1 Released – all major features and user facing EE7 APIs implemented

Wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1 Yesterday, the Wildfly team released Wildfly 8.0.0.Beta1! The server is available at the Wildfly download page. If you want to read a detailed description of all changes, check the official release notes. What’s new? Java EE 7 APIs This is the first Wildfly version which implements all user facing EE7 APIs. This includes…