Database portability – Pitfalls when supporting multiple RDBMS with Hibernate

Database portability – Pitfalls when supporting multiple RDBMS with Hibernate

The JPA specification and Hibernate, as its most popular implementation, claim to provide database portability. That means you don’t need to change your persistence code or mapping annotations when connecting your application to a different RDBMS. They achieve that by providing an automated object-relational mapping, an API that abstracts from the executed SQL statements, and…

How to generate UUIDs as primary keys with Hibernate
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How to generate UUIDs as primary keys with Hibernate

Most developers prefer numerical primary keys because they are efficient to use and easy to generate. But that doesn’t mean that a primary key has to be a number. UUIDs, for example, have gained some popularity over recent years. The main advantage of a UUID is its (practical) global uniqueness which provides a huge advantage…

Hibernate’s StatelessSession – What it is and how to use it

Hibernate’s StatelessSession – What it is and how to use it

Some of Hibernate’s core features are automatic dirty checks, flushes, and the 1st level cache. They make the implementation of most standard use cases simple and efficient. But they also add a lot of hidden complexity and are not a great fit for all use cases. Your typical nightly import job or most other use…

How to implement an AttributeConverter to support custom types
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How to implement an AttributeConverter to support custom types

All JPA implementations, including Hibernate, provide default mappings for a huge set of standard Java classes. You could model the attributes of all your entity classes using those mappings, and you would be able to map all columns of your table model. But this is often not the best fit for your business logic. A…