How to add Flyway to an existing application

How to add Flyway to an existing application

After my talk about combining Flyway, Hibernate, and jOOQ at the JavaLand conference, one of the participants asked me how to add Flyway to an existing application that’s already deployed in production. This is a common question because database migrations get often ignored for new projects. And that’s understandable. You don’t need it for the…

Update your Database Schema Without Downtime

Update your Database Schema Without Downtime

Updating a database schema is pretty easy if you can take your application offline. You shutdown the application, create a backup of the current database schema, perform all required update operations using tools like Flyway or Liquibase, restart the application and hope that everything works fine. But that changes if your customers don’t accept any…

Getting Started with Flyway and Version-Based Database Migration

Getting Started with Flyway and Version-Based Database Migration

Updating a database seems easy as long as you’re the only developer on the team and don’t have to support multiple systems. But that changes dramatically when your team implements multiple features in parallel, uses different test databases and runs the application on one or more production servers. Updating all these databases, keeping track of…