Book Update Week 8 – Sending it to the copyeditor

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Today, I will send the book to my copyeditor. It feels great and scary at the same time. Great, because I’m finally done with editing and scary because I can’t change the content anymore. I got great feedback from the reviewers, so I shouldn’t be too scared. But it’s still a huge step.

Copyediting, cover design and technical review

If you remember last week’s book update, I was still worrying about hiring a copyeditor and a cover designer. Good news, I got a recommendation for a great copyeditor, and she agreed to help me with the book. I also reached an agreement with the cover designer. So, I got the team I was looking for, and we will finish the work on the book within the next 1-2 weeks.

I also got a lot of feedback from my reviewers. Especially Frits Walraven did an amazing job and provided a lot of great technical feedback. Thank you, Frits!
And I also want to thank my wife who read the book several times in the last week and helped me to make it more consistent and easier to understand.
Without their help, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the book in this short time frame.

Let’s launch it with a blast

Another thing I did in the last week was setting up a Thunderclap campaign for the book launch on April 4th. If you want to support the launch, please join this campaign. Thunderclap will post the following message on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr for you on April 4th at 2 pm CEST:

“Get more than 70 ready-to-use solutions to common #Hibernate problems in Thorben Janssen’s new book, today “

It would help me a lot if you join the campaign and help me promote the book on the launch day. I need to get at least 100 supporters to trigger the campaign on April 4th. More than 50 people already joined it, so if you join as well, we should get to 100 before April 4th.

What’s next

I will take a short break from the book and work on a few other things. There are still several tasks I need to finish before the book launch, but I will use the next few days to finish the preparations of my talk and workshop for JavaLand 2017. I’m already almost done with both of them. But I give them in 2.5 weeks, so it’s about time to put the finishing touches on the slide decks and example projects.

When I’m done with that, I will work on the format of the ebook version. That will hopefully not take too long. So far, I’m pretty happy with Asciidoctor. Formatting the PDF for printing wasn’t a big deal, and I hope it will be the same for the ebook.

Another thing I have to take care of is the book cover. As I said at the beginning, I hired a designer, and she already proposed a few great covers. But we are still discussing a few ideas, and I hope we will reach a conclusion within the next few days.