FetchType: Lazy/Eager loading for Hibernate & JPA

FetchType: Lazy/Eager loading for Hibernate & JPA

Choosing the right FetchType is one of the most important decisions when defining your entity mapping. It specifies when your JPA implementation, e.g., Hibernate, fetches associated entities from the database. You can choose between EAGER and LAZY loading. The first one fetches an association immediately, and the other only when you use it. I explain…

How to generate DAOs and queries with Hibernate

How to generate DAOs and queries with Hibernate

Executing a query with Hibernate requires several lines of repetitive boilerplate code, and many developers have complained about that for years. You have to instantiate a Query object and set all bind parameter values before you can finally execute the query. Since version 6.3.1, Hibernate has solved this with an improved metamodel generator that provides…

11 JPA and Hibernate query hints every developer should know
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11 JPA and Hibernate query hints every developer should know

JPA and Hibernate support a set of hints that you can use to provide additional information to your persistence provider to influence the execution of a query. You can use them for lots of different things, like setting a timeout for your query, using an entity graph, or defining the caching of a query result….

Inheritance Strategies with JPA and Hibernate – The Complete Guide

Inheritance Strategies with JPA and Hibernate – The Complete Guide

Inheritance is one of the key concepts in Java. So, it’s no surprise that most developers want to use it in their domain model. Unfortunately, the relational table model doesn’t know this concept. So, Hibernate, or any other JPA implementation, has to apply a mapping strategy to map your inheritance hierarchy to one or more…