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Java Persistence Expert

Learn everything you need to build fast and maintainable persistence layers and get recognized for your technical expertise. The premium courses, expert sessions, and Java Persistence News are the quickest way to achieve your goals!

Lot of great Hibernate insights

Thorben has been part of a group of community experts for a long time, helping Hibernate users via his blog posts, articles and various forums. He has a lot of great Hibernate insights to share.
Steve Ebersole
Lead Developer for Hibernate ORM

Mastery of Hibernate

Thorben demonstrated his mastery of Hibernate and also showed he is an efficient programmer as well.
Ian Wesley
VP Product Development at Bravado Health

Excels with his knowledge about modern JPA

Thorben not only excels with his knowledge about modern JPA API usage – he also consistently stresses the importance of knowing the underlying SQL technology.
Lukas Eder
CEO at Data Geekery, Java Champion

Stop Copying Random Code Snippets And Finally Build Your Persistence Layers With Ease And Confidence!

Lots of developers struggle to implement efficient and maintainable persistence layers. They copy code snippets from Stack Overflow without exactly knowing what the code does, hoping that it solves more issues than it creates. But that’s not always the case. Due to that, they work overtime and miss deadlines.

Being in such a situation creates a lot of stress and makes it hard to improve your skillset long-term. And it puts you in a difficult position if you want to get the next interesting project within your company or as a consultant. That makes it almost impossible to acquire the required skills and work on the right projects to get recognized as an expert.

What if I told you that this doesn’t have to be the case?

What if I told you that knowing Hibernate’s and Spring Data JPA’s advanced features and their side effects is the key to working on interesting tasks? That it helps you to be appreciated by your manager and team members as a true expert and, at the same time, allows you to spend your evenings and weekends with your friends and family.

I know that might sound a little too good to be true. But it isn’t. With access to the right resources, you will get there.

How I Learned To Do It The Right Way

I was in the same situation. I copied code snippets from Stack Overflow and blog articles, only to find that they didn’t work in my project or caused other problems not mentioned in the articles.

The situation was frustrating, and I recognized that this approach wasn’t working. 

You need to really understand the frameworks, with their complex features and side effects, so that you can choose the right approach for your application. Otherwise, each decision comes down to pure luck. To make it even worse, you often need to wait for your users to use your changes before you know if you made the right decision or whether it caused side effects you didn’t find on your test system.

Years ago, I got fed up with this needless guessing game. I knew that other teams were using Hibernate with huge success. There had to be a better way.

Stop Guessing, Make Educated Decisions!

I started to intentionally surround myself with like-minded developers. People who wanted to improve their skills, advance their technical career and work on interesting projects. I began to learn how Hibernate and Spring Data JPA really work and what’s happening internally so that I was able to use them correctly.

Instead of copying random code snippets, I started to dive deeper and put a lot of effort into learning as much as I could about Hibernate. I read the documentation, the JPA specification, and various books. I participated in online and offline discussions and tried lots of things myself.

After a while, all the previously disjointed bits of knowledge and understanding started to form a complete picture. One in which the different features began to work together and in which the subtle comments I found in some articles began to make sense.

That’s Why I Built This Place

Nowadays, I use the same knowledge to help teams worldwide as a freelance consultant, coach, and trainer. It’s always amazing to see how a better understanding of Hibernate and Spring Data JPA can improve your productivity and get you one step closer to an enjoyable and successful career.

Introducing the Persistence Hub

The Persistence Hub gives you access to premium video courses and Expert Sessions, teaching you the skills you need for your current task or helping you learn more about a new topic. The different learning paths help you find the right material from the extensive library for your current skills and goals. And the Java Persistence News helps you stay on top of the latest changes in frameworks like Hibernate and Spring Data JPA.

The Persistence Hub Will Help You To:

Get your technical expertise to the next level

Start positioning yourself as a true expert in your field. Get a deep understanding of how your persistence framework works, which operations it performs, and what you need to do to ensure maintainability and performance.

Solve complex problems with confidence

Use proven training material instead of copying random code snippets, hoping that they solve your problem without causing an even bigger one. 

Stay up to date

Study continuously updated training material and watch expert sessions to keep up with the latest trends in the Java persistence world.

About me

My name is Thorben Janssen. I’m a consultant, trainer, and the author of the Amazon bestselling book Hibernate Tips – More than 70 solutions to common Hibernate problems.

For the last 15 years, I have been using Hibernate and JPA in all kinds of projects, from small ones with very aggressive timelines to huge projects that had to handle thousands of users.

The requirements of these applications were very different, and I learned that Hibernate provides good solutions for all of them. You just have to understand the features with their advantages and disadvantages.

I look forward to showing you how to use Hibernate to implement high-performance applications.

As seen at:

Join The Persistence Hub Today And Get …

Immediate access to the extensive course library

Are you a beginner or an experienced senior developer who has been using Hibernate or Spring Data JPA for years?

No matter where you’re starting, the Persistence Hub has you covered. The premium courses will provide you with the required knowledge to become a true expert and build better performing and more maintainable persistence layers.

Expert Sessions with Thorben and Guests

The Java space is constantly evolving and changing. Keeping up with all of this can be a challenge.

Watch Expert Sessions hosted by Thorben and guests to learn more about the latest developments and get insights from subject-matter experts. All Expert Sessions get recorded and uploaded to the library.

Stay on top of the latest developments

Watch the monthly Java Persistence News episode to learn about the latest changes and improvements in the Java persistence world.

Or check the What’s new course to get detailed information about the changes included in each release of frameworks like Hibernate and Spring Data JPA.

Monthly Coding Problems

Knowing about different concepts and features is helpful. But software development is a craft. You need to be able to apply your knowledge to different situations and combine multiple features to a working solution.

That’s what our monthly Coding Problems are for. In each of them, I show you how I solve a common task or problem and explain the reasons for my decisions.

What others say about the courses in the Persistence Hub

We have included the courses in our standard training library

Using the more advanced parts of object-relational mapping, like dealing with complex inheritance structures, has never been easy. Thorben explains them in his Advanced Hibernate Online Training course in an easy-to-understand series of lessons. Implementing complex mapping structures is a breeze after this.

We have included it in our standard training library for new developers.
Stephan Knitelius
Senior Consultant

Great combination of video lectures and example projects

The training course provides a great combination of video lectures, slides, and example projects with JUnit tests. This approach is pretty unique for an online course. It not only made it easy to understand the different features and concepts, but it also helped me to apply them in my daily work.

I was on a tight schedule, and this course was perfect. It is well organized into compact and effective modules, with short lectures that make it easy to schedule time to learn after work. I was able to complete the course within several weeks despite my time constraints.

The Advanced Hibernate Online Training course helped me to understand Hibernate much better, and I recommend it to everyone who is using Hibernate.
Jean-Claude Brantschen
Software Engineer

Finally, I learned how to use criteria queries

Great hands-on workshop about Hibernate’s advanced features by Thorben Janssen.

Finally, I have learned how to use criteria queries and stored procedures with Hibernate.
Gregor Karl Frey
Chief Development Architect at SAP

Join The Persistence Hub Today!

The courses, Expert Sessions and Java Persistence News available in the Persistence Hub are the quickest way to get your Java persistence skills to the next level!

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When you enroll in our monthly or annual subscription, you must agree to our Terms of Service, and your payment method of choice will be charged the price of the subscription you choose, either monthly or annually, plus any applicable taxes. You can always cancel at any time! 

Simple & Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee

This is more than just a guarantee. It’s a promise from a developer (me) to a developer (you).

Take 30 days to get to know the Persistence Hub membership, learn how to avoid boilerplate code, and build efficient and maintainable persistence layers.

If you’re not happy with the membership, cancel your membership and send me a message to ask for a refund. I will promptly send you 100% of your money back.

Yes, that’s right. I’m taking all the risks with this guarantee. You could rip me off by enrolling in the Persistence Hub membership with the intention of requesting your money back after 30 days.

But I trust that you won’t do that. We software developers are honest people and don’t rip each other off, right?

So, I trust you, and you don’t have to take any risks.


Yes, it is. We designed some of the premium courses in the Persistence Hub specifically for beginners to teach you all the basics you need to know. After you complete them, you will have the required knowledge and understanding to start working on the more advanced topics.

Yes, it is. The Persistence Hub includes premium courses on advanced topics, like Hibernate performance tuning or the design of data management and communication in a microservice architecture.

These courses are included in the Persistence Hub:

JPA for Beginners
If you are new to JPA / Hibernate / Spring Data JPA, this course is for you. You will learn all basic concepts, mapping annotations, and query features. After completing this course, you will be able to create simple persistence layers yourself and help your team to work on more complex projects.

Advanced Hibernate
If you want to learn about JPA’s and Hibernate’s more advanced and complex mapping and query features, this course is for you.
You will learn how to use embeddables, composite primary keys, custom data types, inheritance mapping strategies, lifecycle callbacks, and common patterns to model your persistence layer. I will also show you how to use Hibernate’s multi-tenancy feature, the Criteria API, and some of Hibernate’s proprietary APIs to implement complex business requirements. To get the most out of this course, you should be familiar with the basic concepts, mappings, and query features.

Hibernate Performance Tuning
This course is for you if you want to improve the performance of your persistence layer. I will show you how to monitor Hibernate during development so that you can find performance problems as early as possible. You will learn how to use the best projection for each use case, avoid inefficient mappings, fetch associations as efficiently as possible, use Hibernate’s caches, and much more.
To get the most out of this course, you should be familiar with Hibernate’s basic concepts, mappings, and query features. You should also have built a few persistence layers with Hibernate and deployed them to production.

Spring Data JPA
This course is for you if you’re using Spring Data JPA to implement your persistence layer.
You will learn to configure Spring Data JPA, use its standard repositories, and test your persistence layer. I will also show you how to avoid performance problems, extend Spring’s repositories with and without implementing your own methods, and give you an introduction to several integrations of other frameworks to provide auditing, create more complex queries, migrate your database, and much more.
To get the most out of this course, you should at least be familiar with JPA’s basic concepts, mappings, and query features.

Data and Communication Patterns for Microservices
This course is for you if you want to design a microservice architecture for your application and wonder how these services will communicate. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as some conference speakers want to make you believe.
I will explain why most of the concepts used in a monolith no longer work in a microservice architecture. You will learn patterns to avoid distributed read operations, or if that’s not possible, to at least make them as resilient as possible. I will also show you how to design distributed write operations that ensure data consistency without requiring any locks or causing other scalability issues.
To get the most out of this course, you should have a basic understanding of Spring Boot and some experience in system design.

Patterns for Persistence Layers
This course is for you if you’re looking for patterns to structure and implement your application or if you want to get a better understanding of the patterns used by your persistence framework.
You will learn about commonly used patterns with their strengths and weaknesses. I also explain the available alternatives and how to decide which one to use in your application.
To get the most out of this course, you should have some experience in application and system design.

No, the materials in the Persistence Hub are designed to be self-guided and self-paced. The Persistence Hub also doesn’t include any project-specific coaching or consulting.

We know that you will enjoy being a member of the Persistence Hub and that it will provide you with the right information to improve your skills as a software developer. But if, for whatever reason, you’re not 100% satisfied, we have an unconditional 30 days money-back guarantee.

No, you can’t. Your membership gives you access to the content within the member area. If you cancel or do not renew your membership, you will keep access to the Persistence Hub until the end of your current payment term. After that, you can no longer access any content inside the Persistence Hub.